The Habit Loop

The Habit Loop
Teams are the life blood of organizations yet struggle often to succeed. We know what success looks like when watching sports teams that win consistently. The same goes for special operations teams that overcome the odds to free captives or win a hard fought battle. How do they do it?

Thanks to advances in brain science technology, big data analytics and a growing body of evidence from multiple disciplines, the good to great journey is clearer. Great teams strengthen their mental agility and toughness in concert with constantly improving “habit loops”. They practice, practice and practice more. They conduct pre-and post-mortems. They constantly learn. They are accountable to each other. The hard work does pay off. And, great persons do the same.

The secret lies in our every-day routines. Change them up, change the results. New habit loops take over.

The research-based tools and techniques are well-known and available to any person or team wanting to make progress. Linda’s interactive, practical programs, workshops and short presentations teach participants how to take advantage of the habit loop.